
Eat Your Way To Health Ebook

Ageless Beauty

Natural Facial Rejuvenation

Eat Your Way To Health Table of Contents And Book Excerpts


Jin Shin Jyutsu ®
Natural Self Healing

How Eileen Poole And The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler Changed My Life

The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler

My Favorite Recipes From Eileen Poole

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It's Here!
The New e-book, "Ageless Beauty
From the Inside Out"
...a simple 10 step guide to natural facial rejuvenation.

Kaaren's Books:

Eat Your Way To Health Ebook.

Eat Your Way To Health Paperback.

Kaaren Jordan - Eat Your Way to Health

Now Available In Kindle

Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Ebook.

Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Paperback.

Ageless Beauty

Now Available In Kindle

Kaaren's Blog

Kaaren Jordan Saddle Fitting Consultant

Eileen Poole once said, "When you learn to choose the foods that are best for you, you honor yourself, not just physically, but on all levels."

"Eat Your Way To Health."

Book Exerpts:

Chapters 1-3

Chapters 4-6

Chapters 7-11

7. Exercise & Other Self Healing Techniques

8. Daily Body Feedback Journal

9. Simply Delicious Recipes

10. Sample Menus

11. Specific Remedies For Various Conditions


Chapter 7

Exercise & Other Self Healing Techniques

To create and maintain optimum immune system health requires not only appropriate food choices, but also some form of regular exercise. Energy input (foods) needs to be balanced with energy output (activity).

Most fitness experts now agree that moderate exercise, for at least 20 minutes three times a week is the minimum amount needed to benefit you. Exercise accomplishes many things. It burns calories, and speeds up your metabolism, so you feel more energized, and it relieves stress. It also gives you a sense of well-being and accomplishment, while strengthening and toning muscles, including your most important muscle –– your heart!

The exercise you choose should be. . . .

Chapter 8

The Daily Body Feedback Journal

Throughout this book we have given you tools to improve your health, vitality and well-being. Since each of us is biochemically, and energetically unique, one way to find out which things work for us, make us feel and look better, and which things don’t, is to keep a daily journal.

By keeping a journal you can learn a lot about how your body responds to different things. . . .

Chapter 9

Simply Delicious Recipes

Cereal and Grain Dishes - p.36
Entrees - p.41
Soups - p.51
Salads - p.56
Vegetables - p.58
Sauces/Spreads/Dips/Dressing - p.63
Fruits and Desserts - p.69

Chapter 10

Sample Menus

Chapter 11


Contains guidance on what to do when you "go off your diet" and how to integrate the principles outlined in the book into your life.