In the early 80’s, I was working 2 jobs to save for acupuncture school and got pretty run down. Eileen first suggested Henry Bieler’s classic “pick me up” of raw liver juice..which is basically raw liver pureed with water and strained before drinking. I could not handle even the thought of this remedy let alone try it, so Eileen suggested an alternative. Her idea was to saute a piece of organic beef liver lightly so it is still rare and cut into slices. Eat 2-3 slices in between meals once daily for a few weeks. She recommended I have this with a large cup of Bieler’s Soup adding a couple of small slices of cooked yam for additional minerals if needed. At this time my digestion & elimination was very strong, so the combination of small amounts of starchy veggie with small amounts of beef liver worked well.
One of Dr. Bieler’s remedies for adding additional calcium to the diet was ground eggshells. I also like the idea of using “the whole food” whenever we can. Here is the recipe Eileen gave me when I needed additional calcium, but could not tolerate any of the calcium formulas available at the time.
VIP……Make sure to only use organically fed, free range, preferabley fertile eggs for your “eggshell calcium”.
1) Wash leftover eggshells in warm water until the eggwhite is removed, taking care to leave the membrane which has nutrients to support joint health. Lay the washed eggshells on paper towels until fully dry. There is some controversy on air drying vs baking the eggshells in the oven to reduce any chance of bacterial residue, so use your own judgement on this point. I personally have been preparing my eggshel calcium via the air dry methods for years with no ill effects.
2) Powder the dried eggshells either in a small coffee grinder or place in two plastic bags and crush to a powder with a rolling pin.
3) Store eggshell powder in a glass jar with lid in a dry place like your pantry or kitchen cupboard.
According to my reseach sources, each 1/2 tsp. of eggshell powder yields 400-500mg of elemental calcium. Current thought is that in order to absorb the calcium you need to take it with vitamin D, magnesium (preferably citrate), and a small amount of vitamin C. …and absorb about 500 mg at one time. If you need more than 500 mg of calcium per day, it may be advisable to take one dose in the morning and one before bedtime.
When Eileen first recommended this to me, there was not the array of choices we have today in supplements. She suggested I take vitamin D and a little vitamin C with with the eggshell powder so I could absorb it better. Later as more formulas became available, I brought in “Pure Essence” Ionic Fizz Calcium Plus & Magnesuim Plus for her to check out. She told me it was a great formula for me and would agree with many people. Eileen also told me I could just take “Natural Calm” plus a small amount of “Alacer”, Emergen C Lite and vitamin D as an alternative.
The Ionic Fizz formulas are economical and well thought out providing a balanced co-factor profile for optimum utilization by the body. It also makes a tasty, refreshing drink!
Some folks take the eggshell powder dissolved in lemon juice that has dissolved at room temp for a few hours. You need to stir the concoction several times during the “mellowing” process, which is just too time consuming for me. I just place the eggshell powder in an empty gel cap and swallow it with my Ionic Fizz morning drink.
In the past few months I have read several abstracts that cite in double blind studies, that eggshell calcium powder combined with the additional vites/minerals mentioned above work as well if not better than other forms of calcium. Natural eggshell calcium also contains strontium and other nutrients that boost bone health. So once again, we see that Nature knows best giving us balanced nutrients in one whole package.
* Note: Dr. Bieler recommended taking 1/2 of a dime sized piece of eggshell and Eileen recommended a little larger than dime sized piece for me. Everyone is different in terms of their mineral needs, so start low and slowly increase the amount until you feel you are getting what is best for you.
A Votre Sante,