Over the years when I called Eileen for help with a cold or flu, she recommended either Source Naturals Wellness Formula, Zinc Lozenges, Oscilloccinimum homeopathic, or the Chinese Herbal formulas Gan Mao Ling or Yin Chaio as an extra support in addition to a short specific fast.
For colds or flu when I experienced chills & body aches /higher fever she recommended I take 1-2 capsules of the Wellness Formula twice daily the minute I felt anything setting in, then cutting back to 1 capsule twice daily until I felt better… or Gan Mao Ling if I had it on hand.
For colds with scratchy throat & low/no fever she recommended the Yin Chaio or Zinc Lozenges if I caught it before the cold set in.
For general prevention she suggested a vial of Oscilloccocinum once weekly during the cold & flu season.
Food Remedies:
If I had a flu expressing as a high fever with body aches, she would recommend papaya juice diluted 50/50 with distilled water until the fever broke alternating with homemade beef broth (NO SALT) made with the cooking water of zucchini. I then could add in mashed zucchini or diluted zuchini puree with sauteed extra lean ground beef every few hours alternating with diluted papaya juice at least 1 hour later until I felt better.
With most colds she recommended diluted papaya or apple juice alternating with Bieler’s Soup..sans celery for 2-3 days. Zinc Lozenges at the onset was a mainstay she recommended to me to shorten the duration of the cold.
With any cough or sore throat she always recommended staying away from eggs, the cabbage family veggies and turkey.
A Votre Sante,