Spring Cleaning Part II

With the Spring equinox just past & warmer weather approaching, it’s a good time to start “spring cleaning” for your body.

This does not have to be in the form of a strict extended water or juice fast, but instead a more gentle, supportive approach to rid your body of winter accumulations.

1) Start by taking a day or 2…or 3 off your usual routine to begin a short Bieler’s Soup fast. Every hour or so, have a cup of Bieler’s Soup either hot or cold. You may add a squeeze of lemon or lime using any of your favorite herbs/spices for flavoring. Just avoid adding salt.

2) Make sure to drink at least 6-8, 8 oz. glasses of pure water (not tap) throughout the day to assist in cleansing.

3) For additional benefits, Art of Health’s “Deep Nourishment” or “Soothing Comfort” teas are not only delicious, but restorative. I like mine with a bit of stevia added either hot or cold.

4) A daily bath with 8 oz. of Epsom salts & a few drops of lavendar or chammomile essential oils will help you to relax, restore balance to the cental nervous system & assist the detox through the skin.

5) Some form of mild excercise such as restorative yoga,lwalking, or swimming is best during the fast so as not to tax your body.

6) Go onto my website & use some of the Natural Self Care Healing tools for a few minutes a day. Jin Shin Jyutsu self care is an amazingly simple, but powerful natural healing tool.

After the fast, go back to a health supportive eating plan as outlined in “Eat Your Way To Health”.

If you find yourself experiencing “build up” symptoms during the short fast such as mild headaches, body aches, low energy, or skin erruptions during the “spring cleaning”, this will usually pass in 2-3 days. Using the Jin Shin Jyutsu & daily baths will help to alleviate cleansing symptoms.

Of course, if these symptoms persist or worsen in the days following the fast, you may need to enlist the help of a holistic health care or medical practitioner to sort things out.

Stay tuned for more tips to create optimal health next month.


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